Dr Katie Dray (Section of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences; School of Psychology and Life Sciences. Contactable at katie.dray@canterbury.ac.uk) The context: At level 6, Sport Coaching students are encouraged to […]
More than staring at a screen: fostering creative practice and self-efficacy in distance learners
In this case study, Sonia Overall, Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing, presents enhancements that she has put in place in her programme, the MA in Creative Writing. The MA was […]
A flipped classroom approach to teaching first year students
In the video below, Tim Jones, Senior Lecturer in TV Production, explains why he has chosen the flipped classroom approach to teaching his first year students on how to use […]
Augmented Reality Trail to Promote Student Engagement with the Sustainability Agenda
The case study consists of an Augmented Reality Trail which aimed to raise student awareness of issues of sustainability and services available to them to aid their sustainable development.