Dr Jake Monk Kydd explores the ramifications to international trade following the blocking of the Suez Canal by a giant cargo ship.
Understanding the causes for Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy among UK ethnic minorities
Academics from across the University come together to explain how the Government and Big Pharma need to address past mistakes and reach out to dispel vaccine myths.
Please don’t put me in a box…social construction of whiteness and identity discourse in the academy
Edith Lewis challenges the use of racial classifications and argues for the recognition of individual identity and narratives.
A woman teaching for change #ChooseToChallenge
Dr Paula Stone discusses the importance of critical reflective teaching in teacher education within Higher Education.
New facilities offer a unique experience for future doctors
Professor Chris Holland explains how the Verena Holmes Building will help support the training of new doctors in the Kent and Medway medical School.
Meghan, Harry and royal race-scapades: tales of the totally expected
Dr Harshad Keval explores race, class and power inequalities within society.
#Choose to Challenge
Amanda Maclean explains why we should never give up challenging discrimination.
Dr Stefania Ciocia explains what #ChooseToChallenge means to her on International Women’s Day
Let’s create a space to talk and to listen to everyone
This International Women’s Day Rachel Masterson discusses workplace cultures and calls for more meaningful spaces for everyone to be heard.