Dr Ali Body explores funding shortages in education and argues that schools are increasingly turning to volunteers and fundraising to help solve the crisis.
Green cities eat and drink pollution
Peter Vujakovic, Professor of Geography in the School of Human and Life Sciences, reflects on the planned ‘Forest City’ in China and the importance of green cities around the world.
Computer technology advancing IVF treatment
Dr Kara Turner and Dr Katie Fowler, who both teach on the Life Sciences programme and are experts in non-human animal embryology, comment on the use of time-lapse technology for IVF.
Male age and IVF success
Dr Simon Harvey, Director of Life Sciences, says it is unsurprising that males over 35 have a lower chance of conceiving through IVF.
Harry Potter 20 years on
It’s been 20 years since Harry Potter first landed on our bookshelves. Emily Guille-Marrett, Writing for Children Visiting Lecturer explores why the books have been so successful.
Education and social mobility in England: Where next?
Professor Andrew Peterson and Dr Garth Stahl look at how education policy can enable social mobility.
A liberal and tolerant society?
Professor Trevor Cooling explores whether Tim Farron was correct when he said you can’t hold faith and public office.
The Battle of Medway remembered
Dr Keith McLay explores the events surrounding this month’s Raid on the Medway commemorations.
The General Election and a history of bonnets
Dr Keith McLay explains why Alex Salmond’s choice of quote on election night might not be a good omen – for him.