It’s been 20 years since Harry Potter first landed on our bookshelves. Emily Guille-Marrett, Writing for Children Visiting Lecturer explores why the books have been so successful.
Education and social mobility in England: Where next?
Professor Andrew Peterson and Dr Garth Stahl look at how education policy can enable social mobility.
A liberal and tolerant society?
Professor Trevor Cooling explores whether Tim Farron was correct when he said you can’t hold faith and public office.
More Women, better politics?
Dr Laura Cashman explains why more women in Parliament does not necessarily mean women’s interests will be better served.
The Scottish Stance: Who really won the election?
Paul Anderson examines what the election results mean for Indyref2 and Scottish politics.
Hung parliaments are democracy in action
Dr Philipp Köker explains why Coalitions are not detrimental to strong leadership.
Leadership meltdown
Dr Mark Bennister, Reader in Politics, looks at the lessons learnt from last night’s election results.
Terrorism and cyber hate
Dr Elaine Brown, Senior Lecturer in Counter Terrorism, discusses tackling cyberbullying in relation to the recent terror attacks.
Rise and fall – China and the US
Peter Vujakovic, Professor of Geography, explores President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the 2015 Paris Climate agreement and the rise of China.