After two year’s work, the Woolf Institute has published its report on religion and public life in Britain.
France and the Bataclan attacks
Senior Lecturer in Policing in the School of Law, Criminal Justice and Computing, Dr Paul Swallow, provides his thoughts on the different factors that could have motivated the recent terrorist attacks in Paris.
Has Labour’s internal strife let Cameron off the hook over Syria vote?
At 11.30am, MPs will begin debating whether the UK should join its allies in bombing ISIL targets in Syria in a torn House of Commons.
Why George Osborne’s announcement to double UK spending on cybersecurity is vital
Just a few days after the ISIS attacks in Paris, George Osborne announced that UK spending on cybersecurity would be doubled to £1.9 billion over five years.
13 reasons why one academic signed Jamie Oliver’s petition for tax on sugary drinks
Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has recently given evidence to the House of Commons Health Committee’s Inquiry into Childhood Obesity Strategy, arguing that a seven pence tax on sugary drinks could generate a billion pounds a year for the NHS.
Academic comments on understanding Britain’s role within EU
Britain’s current and future relationship with the European Union regularly appears in the news and will continue to ahead of the EU referendum in 2017.
Can Mental health ever enjoy parity with physical health?
Clinical Psychologist and Senior Lecturer at the University’s Salomons Centre for Applied Psychology, Angela Gilchrist, gives her view on the appointment of a new shadow Minister for Mental Health, and asks if mental health can at last enjoy parity with physical health.