Dr Althea Legal-Miller discusses how the Black Lives Matter movement is part of America’s tumultuous history.
Black History ‘Month’ and the urgency of connected race-critical thinking
Dr Harshad Keval asks if the temporary nature of Black History Month can support the call for a radical change in societal racial justice.
Black Lives Matter, toppling statues and anti-racism: joining the dots
Dr Harshad Keval explores how our problematic and traumatic history is impacting on our present.
Celebrating 150 years of Charles Dickens
To mark the 150th anniversary of Charles Dickens’s death this year, Professor Carolyn Oulton discusses the writer’s connections with Kent.
Remembering medieval Canterbury’s relationship with its Jewish community
Dean Irwin looks at the historical relationship between England, Canterbury and the Jewish Community.
The Simpsons at 30
Dr Michael Goodrum looks at the cultural impact of The Simpsons and their enduring appeal.
And the band played on: 30 years after the Deal bombing
Dr Alexander Kent reflects on the terrorist bombing of the Royal Marines School of Music at Deal in 1989 and its impact on the identity of the town.
Education and the centenary of the end of WWI
Patrick Meehan offers an alternative viewpoint to teach younger generations on the outbreak of WW1.
The origins of Halloween
Professor Jackie Eales explores the origins of one of the most popular celebrations of the year, Halloween.