Dr Jonathan Barnes & Catherine Carden discuss a government report that confirms white working-class pupils have been let down by the education system.
Covid-19 and transport: where are we now?
Dr Susan Kenyon discusses her research into the impacts of Covid-19 on transport which has been quoted in a UK Government, Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee Air Quality inquiry.
December Brexit negotiations
Dr Sarah Lieberman discusses Brexit negotiations as trade talks with the EU continue.
Lockdown loosens! But are politicians and scientists in this together?
Professor Mike Weed explores the interface of #PolicyAndEvidence in the COVID-19 response.
The Prime Minister, his adviser, and the trip of a lifetime
Dr Sarah Lieberman discusses the Prime Minister’s Chief Adviser Dominic Cummings, who remains at the centre of a political storm, with Conservative MPs calling for his resignation after he allegedly […]
Ofsted draft inspection framework: emotional health – a missed opportunity?
Wendy Cobb, Senior Lecturer in the School of Teacher Education and Development and Mary Taylor, Head of Programmes at Family Links in the Centre for Emotional Health, discuss the draft Ofsted framework consultation document and how it could affect children throughout their time at school.
Children are feeling the effects of austerity
Dr Paula Stone explores why she thinks the Government’s policies are affecting children, as a new report outlines more than four million in the UK are now living in poverty.
One thousand headteachers march on Downing Street – it’s time to listen
Dr Alison Body discusses today’s headteachers rally in central London to demand extra funding for schools.
Evidence that obesity is a problem is not evidence that sport is the solution
Mike Weed, Professor of Applied Policy Sciences and Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research and Enterprise, explores whether promoting sport participation is the answer to combating the rise in obesity.