Dr Ian Durrant discusses ‘canteen culture’ within the police and asks why ‘bullying’ behaviour has resurfaced?
Powerful knowledge? Challenging neoliberal trends in FE policy and practice
Zahid Naz and Dr Chris Beighton discuss how current focus in Further Education to fill skills gaps via a fixed criteria is failing to acknowledge local values and context within education.
(Un)trustworthy organisations? Implications of the Sarah Everard murder case
Dr Chris Beighton and Zahra Kemiche look at the issue of transparency and trust within organisations.
A break or a lesson? Submarines, stereotypes and silent geopolitics
Dr Chris Beighton examines the language used during the recent AUKUS security pact fall out.
Bond is Back – with his licence to sell
Dr Jake Monk Kydd looks at how product placement in used in films to boost sales and a brand ‘s image. After numerous delays and much anticipation, the latest James […]
Lockdown learning and commuter students
Dr Susan Kenyon reveals emerging findings from her research into the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on commuter students, and explains how the move to online learning removed some barriers to learning, but how it also presented new barriers, for some students.
What is AUKUS?
Dr Sarah Lieberman discusses the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, President Joe Biden of the USA and Scott Morrison of Australia, who together signed a new security pact named AUKUS.
Socially just education?
As students across the region sit the Kent Test, Dr Alan Bainbridge assess the evidence for and against a selective schooling system.
Shortages: a perfect storm of calamities
Dr Jake Monk Kydd explores the different factors that are causing shortages in goods, services and potentially empty shelves in the months ahead.