INCISE Senior Visiting Research Fellow Dr Leonardo Raznovich comments on the recent socio-legal changes around marriage equality in the Cayman Islands.
Silent Spring?
Professor Peter Vujakovic looks at the potential threats, natural and man-made, to our insects.
The Cultural Education Challenge
Kerry Jordan-Daus discusses how the new £1 million Arts Council Funding in Kent and Medway will help enable young people to lead in designing and taking part in creative activities.
Deal or no deal – third time lucky?
The debate on EU withdrawal has laid divisions in both the Labour and Conservatives parties. Paul Anderson asks what’s next for Brexit?
A sorry spring? Ash dieback in Kent
As spring approaches Professor Peter Vujakovic discusses the impact of ash dieback in Kent, which has now spread to parts of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
#BalanceforBetter within Sport
For International Women’s Day Dr Kristy Howells, Dr Laura Gubby, Dr Katie Dray and Dr Hayley Mills explore how sport can become more gender-balanced.
Is Brexit sexist? A feminist perspective
As we edge closer to ‘Brexit Day,’ Dr Laura Cashman writes about how a feminist analysis can help us look at the issues from an alternative point of view, where the personal is always political.
Ofsted draft inspection framework: emotional health – a missed opportunity?
Wendy Cobb, Senior Lecturer in the School of Teacher Education and Development and Mary Taylor, Head of Programmes at Family Links in the Centre for Emotional Health, discuss the draft Ofsted framework consultation document and how it could affect children throughout their time at school.
Children are striking – is this truancy or education?
Dr Kate Smith looks at why school children are risking detention on Friday to stand-up for their beliefs.