Dr Stephen Scoffham argues that the destruction of natural habitats is undermining the buffer between humans and disease.
Working in partnership to Close Our Gap
Mary Makinde is a Lecturer in Forensic Investigation and the University’s BAME Strategic Lead for the Closing Our Gap Strategy group which aims to eradicate the BAME attainment gap. In this expert comment Mary explains the work that is taking place within […]
Computing the earth
On World Environment Day Dr Joseph Cook explores how researchers bridging environmental and computer science may emerge as the most effective agents in the fight against climate change.
No More Heroes
‘Hero’ has gained significant traction as a term in recent weeks and Dr Michael Goodrum reflects on what this means.
Lockdown loosens! But are politicians and scientists in this together?
Professor Mike Weed explores the interface of #PolicyAndEvidence in the COVID-19 response.
Alternative paths to building resilience: Tourism recovery planning beyond Covid-19
As debates continue surrounding the impact of Covid-19 on global travel and tourism, this English Tourism Week, Dr Julie Scott explores how embracing uncertainty and creativity could be key to building resilience in global travel as we work towards a new ‘normal’ for tourism.
Rehabilitating public transport is essential for a green recovery
Dr Susan Kenyon considers the long-term environmental impact of the ‘super-spreader narrative’ surrounding public transport.
Are you cyber secure during the Covid-19 pandemic?
Dr Abhaya Induruwa looks at the ways cyber criminals are exploiting the current pandemic.
The Prime Minister, his adviser, and the trip of a lifetime
Dr Sarah Lieberman discusses the Prime Minister’s Chief Adviser Dominic Cummings, who remains at the centre of a political storm, with Conservative MPs calling for his resignation after he allegedly […]