Dr Chris Beighton explains how the recent White Paper on school reform shows a disconnect between the Government’s vison for an equitable education system and how they seek to achieve it.
It’s time to think about our sleep
Joel Petch and Dr Andrew Westwood from Kent and Medway Medical School offer some tips on how to get a good night’s sleep.
Should NATO impose a no-fly zone in Ukraine?
Dr Alexander Kent, Reader in Cartography and Geographic Information Science, discusses NATO’s decision not to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: Putin’s great geopolitical gamble
Dr Alexander Kent, Reader in Cartography and Geographic Information Science, reflects on Vladimir Putin’s geopolitical ambitions.
Russia invades Ukraine: what next for Putin?
Dr Sarah Lieberman and Dr Alex Kent discuss Putin’s recent decision to invade Ukraine.
Reaching out to inspire STEM careers
Hellen Ward explains why outreach events are so important to help young people learn and become inspired about STEM careers.
Making a STEM difference
Dr Anne Nortcliffe explains why Kent and Medway have bucked a national trend and seen an increase in students choosing to study STEM A-levels.
An update on the Gray update
Dr Sarah Lieberman discusses Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s statement on the Sue Gray report in the House of Commons.
Waiting for Gray
Dr Sarah Lieberman explains the importance of the Sue Gray’s long anticipated report into social gatherings at 10 Downing Street.