Dr Jaspal Kaur Sadhu-Singh discusses this week’s government announcement on the Prime Minister’s blueprint to turbocharge AI. On the backfoot of economic challenges facing this government, the 50-point AI Opportunities […]
Importance of research in public policy.
Dr Ian Durrant discusses the importance of research following a landmark review into gender identity services for young people.
Who will vote against integrity and truth? Partygate becomes a popularity contest.
Dr Sarah Lieberman discusses a cross-party report which will be discussed in parliament today, which found that former Prime Minister Boris Johnson repeatedly lied and misled parliament, on holding gatherings at Number 10 during lockdown.
Doing God in Government
Dr Ralph Norman discusses The Bloom Review and how the British government engages with faith.
Our forgotten Children
Dr Jonathan Barnes & Catherine Carden discuss a government report that confirms white working-class pupils have been let down by the education system.
Knowing narratives: challenging the spectacle of racist discrimination
Dr Chris Beighton discusses institutional racism in the UK.
Ofsted draft inspection framework: emotional health – a missed opportunity?
Wendy Cobb, Senior Lecturer in the School of Teacher Education and Development and Mary Taylor, Head of Programmes at Family Links in the Centre for Emotional Health, discuss the draft Ofsted framework consultation document and how it could affect children throughout their time at school.