Peter Rands, Director of Sustainability Development, discusses how climate change remains a priority for universities despite Covid-19 pandemic.
Black Lives Matter, toppling statues and anti-racism: joining the dots
Dr Harshad Keval explores how our problematic and traumatic history is impacting on our present.
Working in partnership to Close Our Gap
Mary Makinde is a Lecturer in Forensic Investigation and the University’s BAME Strategic Lead for the Closing Our Gap Strategy group which aims to eradicate the BAME attainment gap. In this expert comment Mary explains the work that is taking place within […]
No More Heroes
‘Hero’ has gained significant traction as a term in recent weeks and Dr Michael Goodrum reflects on what this means.
Rehabilitating public transport is essential for a green recovery
Dr Susan Kenyon considers the long-term environmental impact of the ‘super-spreader narrative’ surrounding public transport.
We are still in lockdown – so why is travel increasing?
Dr Susan Kenyon explains why the government and transport planners need to intervene now to encourage us to continue to reduce our personal travel and to support lasting travel behaviour change.
Engaging with the Corona Generation
Dr Jennie Bristow discusses generational consciousness and the effect of the global Covid-19 pandemic on our young people.
Shifting ground at Heathrow airport
Dr Stephen Scoffham asks if the recent Court of Appeal ruling on the third Heathrow runway is a tipping point in more ways than one for environmental issues.
Vue cinemas, Blue Story and marginalising Black culture
Dr Harshad Keval explains how the recent withdrawal of the film Blue Story by some cinemas is representative of a larger and more complex issue.