We asked a small group of students what made them feel part of the University community, the responses we gathered covered a wide range of areas.
Your ideas matter
Student ideas are an integral part of Partners in Learning; but your involvement certainly doesn’t just stop there…Partners in Learning gives you the opportunity to be part of actually making your ideas happen and […]
Dan Loveday: From Broadstairs to broad horizons
Broadstairs’ student Dan Loveday reveals how working with Partners in Learning allowed him to discover Canterbury and a whole wealth of other students and staff he may have never met.
Sophie Worrall: In hindsight
Sophie reflects on her experience as a Partners in Learning student working on the Learning and Teaching Strategy project, and perhaps what she might have done differently.
Georgia Horsley: From Fresher to Intern
A year ago Georgia would not have even considered being part of something like Partners in Learning, but now she’s loving every minute of it.
Monica Gonzalez: The Videographer
Monica recounts her experience working with Partners in Learning to create video material for the Learning & Teaching Conference.
The strength of student voice
Evie recounts her experience with Partners in Learning and tells us how her involvement with the projects has aided her professional development.
Merry Christmas from Partners in Learning and the Student Opportunities Team
Sending Christmas Wishes from Partners in Learning and reflecting on the past year.
Don’t give up just yet…
If University has ever got too much and you’ve considered giving up, here are some pointers from a current student (who’s felt like that too!) on where to look for help.
Culturosity from the ‘Facilitator’s perspective
Students and alumni reflect on their role as ‘Workshop Facilitator’ as part of the Culturosity project