Canterbury and Kent – from place names to wool traders

Firstly, news about a forthcoming Centre’s colloquium in the Spring that is now on the ‘Future Events’ page on the Centre’s website:

Hospitals, friaries and exploring Henry VII’s kingship

Because ‘War Horse’ has arrived in the cathedral precincts, I thought I would again draw attention to the ‘100 Years since Armistice’ event that will be taking place on Friday […]

Canterbury’s History and Heritage – exciting developments

Before I get to the main events of the last week, I thought I would mention three events next month that either the Centre is organising/co-organising (with Kent Archaeological Society) […]

Exploring place and space in Faversham and Canterbury

Now that we are into October, it is great to report that the School of Humanities’ taught Masters degrees in both Modern History and Medieval and Early Modern Studies are […]