Canterbury Commemoration – a fire, Thomas More and Thomas Becket

This is really the second half from last week, that is events from Friday and Saturday, thereby leaving the second week of July for Dr Janet Clayton’s presentation to the […]

Canterbury and Kent – from Story Gardens to the History of Emotions

For this week among the various things Dr Claire Bartram and I have been doing is putting together the final preparations for the CKHH 10 Year Celebratory event next week. […]

From the Stone Age to the Tudors – exploring Kent’s past

Before I come to the opening of the new gallery at Maidstone Museum with its official launch yesterday (Tuesday 5 June), I thought I would take the opportunity to mention […]

Kent’s material culture – in stone, stained glass and early books

This week has seen final preparations for the first of the ‘Inspirational Kent Women Writers’ events, the conference on Saturday. This means there will be a report in the blog […]