Before I get to the Lunch Time Lectures – today and next week, I thought I would bring you some exciting news about the Becket 2020 online conference, the Manorial […]
Kent History Postgraduates and late medieval Sandwich
I thought I would begin by reporting that we sent our roundup of pre-modern Kent and Canterbury online resources to Dr David Rundle on Monday and hopefully soon it will […]
Kent History Postgraduates and food in the Middle Ages
Before I get to the topic for this week – food and its uses in medieval Kent, I thought I would flag up an initiative by the Graduate College if […]
Maritime Kent and other research topics
This week I thought I would catch up with what Dr Diane Heath has been doing recently, as well as where I and my fellow editors are with Maritime Kent. […]
Clocks and Kent History Postgraduates
As we hopefully begin to get some idea of the government’s timetable and strategy regarding how to get out of lockdown, I thought this week I would use the idea […]
Kent Centre’s thanks and top events in 2019
As the last blog of 2019, I want to record my thanks to many for their efforts this year and to offer my top three events.
Helping to celebrate Canterbury Society’s 10th anniversary
This week has brought a series of meetings and the chance to be part of Canterbury Society’s celebrations.
Cobham and Wye Colleges
This week the Centre has been working with Canterbury Archaeological Trust and Kent Archaeological Society, as well as other outreach opportunities.
Shields at the Ready! The Dering Roll and Medieval Education Day
As Dr Sheila Sweetinburgh reminded me (Dr Diane Heath), it has been a year since our participation in the first Medieval Education Day for primary schools in the East Kent […]