In many ways, I want to pick up the same theme as last week. This is because I discovered this week that among the elements within the new GCSE syllabus […]
Famous people in Canterbury: St Thomas and others
Next week is the ‘Gender, Places, Spaces, and Thresholds’ conference that Dr Diane Heath is running for the Centre at Canterbury Christ Church – for details see: but I […]
Kent History Centre events in 2017
So what is there to look forward to from the Centre in the first half of 2017? The flagship event will be the ‘Tudors and Stuarts History Weekend’ between Friday […]
Canterbury Christmastide
In some ways the theme this week is the distinctive nature of Kent culture, or at least that the particular nature of the county led to the production of a […]
Reflections on lectures from Professor Robert Tittler and Tim Tatton-Brown
It is always interesting to hear what various members of the School of Humanities are doing in terms of Kent History and Heritage and I happened to see both Dr […]
Canterbury curiosities
The relaunch of the Centre for Kent History and Heritage is now just over a fortnight away and it will be great to hear Paul Bennett’s inaugural professorial lecture entitled […]
Names and Drama in Kent and Canterbury
This has been an excellent week in terms of lectures and conferences. On Wednesday evening, the second of the Canterbury Historical and Archaeological Society’s winter programme of lectures took place […]
Kent and Canterbury Projects
Firstly, very briefly, we are now just over a week away from the joint all-day conference on ‘Names: Kent Places and People’ that will take place in Powell Lecture theatre […]
Material Culture explored in Canterbury and London
This has been a quiet week from the perspective of lectures and similar events in or about Canterbury, although, of course, the Canterbury Festival walks on behalf of Canterbury Archaeological […]