Expert comment

What now for America?


What now for America?

Academics from our Politics and International Relations programme offer their initial thoughts on Donald Trump winning the 2016 US Presidential election.

The University’s Politics and International Relations team have written their expert opinions and first initial thoughts following the announcement that Donald Trump has been elected the 45th President of the United States of America. On their blog, Dr Andre Barrinha, Senior Lecturer, looks at how the President-elect will approach foreign policy issues, particularly in relation to NATO and Russia, whilst Dr Laura Cashman, Senior Lecturer, views the election through a gender lens.

Dr David Bates, Director of Politics and International Relations, questions what the win means for the anti-capitalist left:I shed no tears for the supporters of Hillary Clinton. But what does this mean for the anti-capitalist left? The moment of Trump is undoubtedly an event. The pure id turning against the neo-liberal ego, rampant desire mobilised against rational economic self-interest. For the anti-capitalist project, therefore, this might be the moment when the system turns in on itself – the moment of destruction which will lay the seeds for a new possible future beyond the market. However, I doubt this very much. Writing against Marxist determinism Rosa Luxemburg argued that in a period of crisis, there were at least two possible outcomes – socialism or ‘barbarism’. I fear that the most powerful country in the world may have just chosen barbarism.”

Dr Mark Bennister, Reader in Politics and International Relations examines the impact the election and subsequent win for Trump might have on UK interests in a post EU referendum Europe.

What battles lay ahead for President Trump with the legislature is explored by Dr Philipp Köker, Senior Research Fellow, and Senior Lecturer, Dr Sarah Lieberman, looks at the institution of the President.

To read these expert comments in full and many more from the Politics and International Relations team visit their blog.

Find out more about studying Politics and International Relations at Christ Church.

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