Exam season is always a stressy time of year, and with only a few hours of daylight and a whole lot of miserable weather, it can be even more challenging […]
A Wellbeing Tour of our Sustainability Spaces on Campus
Our wellbeing tour of the sustainability spaces on campus starts outside Old Sessions House. You can follow along with us on foot as you read, or just keep these thoughts in mind the next time you’re crossing through campus.
#livingwell and looking after your wellbeing at university
Our mental health and wellbeing are important and essential to our sustainable development. Mental health in university can be challenging. As a student myself, it is important that we are taking care of our mental health, as a positive mindset can have a positive impact on our wellbeing.
Mental Health Awareness Week – Mindfulness Minutes
Stress can manifest itself in many different ways: headaches, body fatigue, low mood. By taking time to be mindful, you can take steps to improve your own mental health. This […]
Fran’s #LifeInLockdown
Today feels like day 5937 of lockdown, but in reality I’ve been isolating or in lockdown for the past six weeks. It feels longer because the first three of those […]
Amy’s #LifeinLockdown
I’d be lying if I said I was keeping a solid routine through the lockdown. We are now in week 5 of the UK lockdown and I am at home […]
Emily’s #LifeinLockdown
If there’s anything I have learnt during this crucial first week in Lockdown is that we should all invest in a rave colour changing lightbulb
Chris’s #LifeinLockdown
As I write this blog, I am currently in my fifth week of isolation. I, like all of us, am finding the strain of not being able to go out, […]
An Unexpected Crop!
For some time now, we have been feeding our food composter with left over fruit and vegetables from the University’s Food Court. Earlier this summer, the first batch of compost […]