People, Culture and Inclusion

Productivity and Me


Productivity and Me

Book chapter opened at the word Productivity

We are old friends, Productivity and me. Everybody always tells me how amazed they are at my efficiency – “How do you do it?”, they ask. Well, today I take a moment to tell you.

I wasn’t always productive – and even today I only ever seem to be productive at work. Ask me how my home-life is and I’ll tell you, honestly – I am behind with my housework, I haven’t started project ‘Organise the Home Office’ and I never can seem to get my Christmas cards out on time, if at all.

And, as proudly productive I am, even I find it challenging – particularly now I’m working from home. So, having reflected long and hard, I’ve identified what works for me:

Keeping it manageable

I try not to be too ambitious with my to-do list. I keep it as short as I can, whilst still focussing on what the priorities are.

Planning my day

I use my Outlook calendar for this – sectioning my day and assigning tasks for each section. I try to get a mixture of things so I don’t get bored/lose focus and balance this with making sure I have large enough chunks of time to make progress. And I actually think about what tasks I am putting where. I know I am more productive in the morning than the afternoon so I allot tasks accordingly. I also give myself ‘protected’ time for anything unexpected that may land my way and when I need to take breaks.

I use the right tools

I use tools that work for me. I love using OneNote to help me order/capture my thoughts and to-do lists. I have also been known to use Padlet if I need a good old brainstorm. If it’s a project, I sometimes use Microsoft Planner.

Accepting my limitations

Sometimes, for whatever reason, I am just not productive. Those days can feel really demoralising for me, but with self-reflection I realise that these days are important too. They help me refine my productivity. When I recognise my productivity levels are dipping, I try to stop and consider – why? Do I need to change what I am doing. Do I need a break, a change of scene (a walk in the garden, perhaps?), or is it just one of those days where I need to be kind to myself, do my best and accept it. Tomorrow is another day after all.

One of the things that helped me crystallise and be more self-aware of my productivity powers was the Productivity Ninja sessions I attended last year.

But working remotely offers up some productivity challenges for me so I am really excited that we have a new virtual session: ‘The Productivity Ninja’s Guide to Working from Home’, which is available to book via StaffSpace.

We have two of these virtual sessions planned:

22nd April, 09:30-11:00

13th May, 14:00-15:30

I hope others will join me in attending one of them – after all, even a ninja must hone their skills.

Zoe Connell, Organisational and People Development

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