I’m going to start this week with some news. Many of you will know Paul Bennett or have read about him in various blogs over the last couple of years, […]
Becket’s legacy in Canterbury and beyond
As I expect you have gathered, June has been a very busy month full of very exciting lectures, conferences and workshops, and last week was no exception.
Remembering the Baedeker Raid on Canterbury
Just a couple of points before I turn to the focus of the blog this week: Dr Martin Watt’s Baedeker Raid on Canterbury half-day conference and afternoon guided walk last […]
Baedeker, Tithe and Canterbury Crypt Creatures
Yesterday marked a watershed in History at Canterbury Christ Church, as well as in the Centre, because Dr Stephen Hipkin finished teaching at CCCU having opted for early retirement.
June events and Canterbury pilgrims
Having discussed one event in the whole blog last week, I thought this week I would begin with news of three Centre events next month before turning briefly to one […]
Lambarde, Baedeker and Tithe at Canterbury
Being back in Canterbury this week, I am now turning my attention to future Centre events, especially those due to take place in the next couple of months.
Canterbury and Huddersfield: medieval family power and religious material culture
The Easter holidays are often busy as conference organisers seek to fit in their particular offering and this year is no exception.
Tudors and Stuarts Weekend
Before I come to the Tudors and Stuarts Weekend, I thought I would mention the ‘Family and Power in the Middle Ages’ conference that will be taking place on Friday […]
Norman landscapes in Normandy, Kent and Derbyshire
We are now just a fortnight away from the Tudors and Stuarts Weekend and excitement is growing as we look forward to welcoming speakers such as Alison Weir, David Starkey, […]