The first week in August is a pretty quiet time at universities generally because the early summer academic conference season is over and doesn’t start up again until the beginning […]
Centre for Kent History and Heritage future events
Due to the unusually long blog post last week – there had been just so many exciting events going on – I’m going to keep it shorter this week and […]
Canterbury Castle, Pageant and St Mildred’s church
Today saw most of the medievalists from Canterbury Christ Church at the city’s castle for the first Medieval Pageant and Family Trail day under the leadership of Professor Louise Wilkinson. […]
Medieval Pageant celebrates Canterbury
Now for something a bit different, as they say, in that staff from the Centre don’t just reach out to adults through conferences, workshops, study days and the like, but […]
Richborough through the Ages
Keeping with the idea of excitement at conferences among participants – speakers and audience, yesterday I was at the Centre’s ‘Richborough through the Ages’ conference, hence the photo above. Perhaps […]
Tunbridge Wells and Canterbury churches
I’m going to begin with a couple of buildings, although I’ll save Canterbury Cathedral’s great south window until next week except I will thank Heather Newton for showing me around […]
Shakespeare, lighthouses and the sea
I’m going to keep to a maritime theme this week. Firstly Dr Martin Watt’s one-day conference on ‘Richborough through the Ages’ has now sold over seventy-five tickets which is excellent. […]
Kent, Ghent and a Canterbury medieval hospital
I thought I would start this week by noting that it is just over five weeks now to the one-day conference on ‘Richborough through the Ages’. Tickets are continuing to […]
Canterbury and London Revelry
I’m delighted to report that ‘Richborough through the Ages’ has over 60 people coming to it, but there are still spaces on Saturday 25 June so do have a look […]