After another very successful History Weekend, I would first like to thank all the great speakers (see below), but equally the brilliant audiences we had at all 27 events from […]
Medieval Canterbury Weekend 2018 is almost here
This will be a very brief piece as the days get busier and busier before Friday and we start with our first event at Waterstones – if you are in […]
Celebrating lives in Canterbury and Bearsted
Now that the Easter holidays have arrived, I thought I would ask local readers if they have spotted the two posters in Waterstones advertising ‘Saturn’s Fury’ – the puppet show […]
Exploring the People’s History and Heritage – Ash, Faversham and Canterbury
The last few days have been exceedingly busy, partly because we are now a fortnight away from the Medieval Canterbury Weekend 2018 – there are still tickets available from ‘Campfire […]
Faversham, St Thomas and ‘Being Human’ in Canterbury and beyond
Seeking to engage younger audiences and to show just how exciting medieval and early modern (and modern) studies can be is becoming an increasing important part of the Centre’s activities. […]
Student visit and archaeology round-up – exciting times in Canterbury
This will be the last blog before the rescheduled Becket Lecture, consequently I thought I would start by sending out a final reminder that it will take place in The […]
From Anglo-Saxons to WWII – exploring Canterbury, Faversham and the Royal Marines
I thought I would start with some very exciting news, Michael Wood has agreed to come to Canterbury to give an evening lecture on Tuesday 30 October 2018. The title […]
Medieval Canterbury Weekend – building partnerships
I thought I would begin by mentioning a very productive meeting Dr Diane Heath and I had on Monday with Lyndsay Ridley, the General Manager at The Canterbury Tales, regarding […]
Skeletons in Canterbury and St Alban’s
Exciting news this week, we passed the thousand-ticket mark for the Medieval Canterbury Weekend 2018. There are still tickets for all the talks but some of the guided tours have […]