With all Centre and other events in Canterbury cancelled until the autumn at the earliest, and even September may be in doubt – more news when matters become clearer; and […]
Canterbury mazers – virtual material culture
While governments – national, regional and local, continue to grapple with the situation, and a large number of businesses and charities are equally trying to manage, even survive – note, […]
Challenging times today and in the past
In this fast-moving world that we live in, I thought I would bring out a short update. For the health and safety of speakers, those attending, and all concerned, we […]
Pre-historic barrows, castles and other medieval buildings – celebrating success and exploring interpretations
I thought I would start with some good news. As regular readers of the blog will remember, one of the frequent contributors to the Kent History Postgraduates Group until she […]
St Mildred and other saints – fascinating stories and contested identities
I thought I would begin with some news and then turn to the planning for the exhibition at Eastbridge Hospital on ‘Kentish Saints and Martyrs’ in late August/early September 2020.
Mapping landscapes from Charles Dickens to Hilary Mantel
I thought I would just begin by mentioning that Dr Diane Heath is intending to submit her HLF ‘Medieval Animals’ project application in the next week or so, which is […]
Gough Map, Canterbury Castle and Medieval Animals
A chance to explore the Gough Map, try to help Canterbury Castle and bring medieval animals to life.
Postgraduates working on Kent History – exciting developments
This week there is information about the Centre’s future events, a report on the Kent History Postgraduate Group’s monthly research seminar and a notice about Dr Jayne Wackett’s memorial tree.
Canterbury’s Friaries and Hospitals
This week celebrating Canterbury Festival’s walks that help Canterbury Archaeological Trust in its work to uncover the city’s past.