Exploring Church Records at Maidstone and Canterbury

Next week I’m intending to report on Dr Diane Heath’s second set of ‘Magna Carta: Women, Children and Family’ workshops at The Royal Harbour Academy in Ramsgate (this week she […]

Canterbury’s UNESCO World Heritage Site and Medieval Faversham

Last week I was in Belfast giving a paper at Queen’s on ‘Starting a new life in Ricardian and Henrician Canterbury’ at the ‘Migration to the Margin’ conference, while Dr […]

Becket 2020, Cluniac rituals and the Cod’s revenge

We are now gearing up for the Tudors and Stuarts History Weekend on Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 April. I have recruited a great group of postgraduates and undergraduates who […]

Princeton and Canterbury – bringing historians together

Before I get to news of events next week, including the William Somner conference on Saturday 23 March, and a report on the Kent History Postgraduates meeting, I have a […]