A chance to explore the Gough Map, try to help Canterbury Castle and bring medieval animals to life.
Helping to celebrate Canterbury Society’s 10th anniversary
This week has brought a series of meetings and the chance to be part of Canterbury Society’s celebrations.
Postgraduates working on Kent History – exciting developments
This week there is information about the Centre’s future events, a report on the Kent History Postgraduate Group’s monthly research seminar and a notice about Dr Jayne Wackett’s memorial tree.
Exploring British Library and Cambridge sources
This week I’m reporting on the Kent History Postgraduates meeting and bringing news about future Centre events.
Canterbury’s Friaries and Hospitals
This week celebrating Canterbury Festival’s walks that help Canterbury Archaeological Trust in its work to uncover the city’s past.
Medieval Canterbury Weekend 2020
Stop Press: Medieval Canterbury Weekend 2020 goes live!
Cobham and Wye Colleges
This week the Centre has been working with Canterbury Archaeological Trust and Kent Archaeological Society, as well as other outreach opportunities.
Diocesan archives and the clergy
Looking at the Canterbury and Rochester diocesan archives and ‘The Clerical Estate’
Kent History Postgraduates and Sources and Themes in Parish Histories
I am hoping that there will be two blogs this week, I’m covering the Kent History Postgraduate Group’s first meeting of 2019/20 and the ‘Parish Histories’ conference, while my colleague […]