The documentary, ‘Peter Watkins and the Playcraft Film Unit’ (2017) by Tim Jones focuses upon the five amateur films produced between 1957 and 1962 by Peter Watkins and Playcraft, a […]
The documentary Seeking Sydney, explores the work and life of Sydney Bligh. Bligh specialised in making newsreels of Canterbury during the 1930s, many of which were filmed in colour.
A Secondary Hobby
Short documentary by Tim Jones about the ambitious amateur films made by Canterbury Archers in the 1960s.
Life On Film
Excerpt from a documentary made in 2009 about Rob Williams who joined Canterbury Cine Society in the mid 1930s at the age of 16.
A Youthful Obsession
Excerpt from a documentary about John McCallum and Peter Mills, two of the main members of Canterbury Amateur Cine Society Film Unit which ran between 1951 and 1965.
Peter Watkins and the Playcraft Film Unit (Trailer)
This is the trailer for the latest documentary by Tim Jones which is currently being entered into film festivals. This documentary focuses upon the five amateur films produced between 1957 […]