Rare footage of Mount & Sons Nursery on 40 Acres Road filmed by Sydney Bligh who was a keen amateur filmmaker, who produced a 90 minute newsreel each year between 1934 and 1939. He was an electrical engineer from Canterbury.

Rare footage of Mount & Sons Nursery on 40 Acres Road filmed by Sydney Bligh who was a keen amateur filmmaker, who produced a 90 minute newsreel each year between 1934 and 1939. He was an electrical engineer from Canterbury.
In the 1921 Census, my 4th cousin 3 times removed Frank (Francis Robert Augustus) Hunt b. 1860 in Canterbury was a gardener at Mr Mount & Sons Nursery, Whitstable Road, Canterbury
Very interested in your information about Mount’s, most of my mother’s uncles worked for Mount’s about that time I think most people in that area worked for Mount’s. They were quite skilled arboriculturalists in that they were able to bud and graft various varieties of fruit tree, or else they worked in the cold stores. Anecdotally I heard stories that probably date back to the 19th Century, after work the workers would have a get together sing song in the orchards accompanied by an accordion/ squeezebox no radio, TV in those days you had to create your own entertainment. My mother’s name was Hammond, and her uncles names were Godden mostly, I believe the last one lived in Littlebourne.
Hope it adds to the record.