These are worrying and challenging times. Now, more than ever, it is vital we are aware of our own mental health and how we can support our students.
Top Tips for making IT Training stick
The move to online working means it is now more important than ever to embrace technology. But if you are someone who feels less than tech-savvy, what can you do? […]
Ted Said
I am sure most of you are familiar with the wonderful world of…a place to spend hours learning about robotics, chess strategies, flag design, psychopaths and everything in between.
Hello, good evening and welcome…
For many of you this may be your first visit to our blog site (where have you been??), so we thought we’d dedicate this one to say a little more […]
Personal Reflections: what is development to you?
While our team co-ordinator is enjoying Family Leave we have been joined temporarily by Hugh, who found himself thrown into the largely unknown world of Organisational and People Development, and […]
People at the Centre
This blog carries on from my last before Christmas, and picks up on the content of the blended learning programme I participated in.
Learning to Learn
Hey Juliet, wanna be in my team? Err, yes, obviously. I’m no stranger to my need to be included, so this question rarely results in a negative response (unless it […]
A Labyrinth Coaching Walk
One day last week I was troubled. Not in a dramatic way, but I had a work issue that was bothering me. I was finding it distracting and it was […]
One step at a time
I’ve been doing a lot of walking recently, which has been wonderful for, and a stretch on, my wellbeing all at the same time. Let me explain.