Broadstairs’ student Dan Loveday reveals how working with Partners in Learning allowed him to discover Canterbury and a whole wealth of other students and staff he may have never met.
Sophie Worrall: In hindsight
Sophie reflects on her experience as a Partners in Learning student working on the Learning and Teaching Strategy project, and perhaps what she might have done differently.
RAISE 2016
Lucy, Georgia and Phil learn lots about student engagement at RAISE Conference 2016 at Loughborough University
Ana Garrancho: Using the strategy on a personal level
Ana tells how Partners in learning helped her realise why she was unhappy on her course and how the project empowered her to do something about it.
Learning and Teaching Strategy Conference 2016 – Infographics
View the infographics from our Learning & Teaching Conference presentation
Learning and Teaching Conference 2016
A group of students from the ‘Learning and Teaching Strategy’ project present their work to a lecture theatre of academics. Nervous and excited, the students didn’t expect the response they […]
Presenting to the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education and Student Experience) and her Senior Management Team
2 members of the Partners in Learning team from the Learning and Teaching Strategy project took the opportunity to present their work to Prof. Helen James and her senior management […]
Savannah Swan: The Journey
Savannah reflects on her experience working with Partners in Learning, where each month holds something new.
Georgia Horsley: ‘Ethical Research’ a voyage of discovery
Georgia embarks on a mission to find out what exactly ‘ethical research’ means and how we could ensure that our research meets the strict guidelines.
Sophie Worrall: A Defining Moment
Sophie recalls what she believes to be a crucial point in the project which inspired her success.