Stop press: Dr Claire Bartram’s edited collection Kentish Book Culture: Writers, Archives, Libraries and Sociability 1400-1660 (Oxford and Bern: Peter Lang, 2020) arrived yesterday and it looks a very fine […]
Kent Centre’s thanks and top events in 2019
As the last blog of 2019, I want to record my thanks to many for their efforts this year and to offer my top three events.
Exploring late medieval links across the seas at Exeter
This week is more of a brief note in that Professor Louise Wilkinson has been very busy writing the report on History’s impact work over the last few years, including […]
Kentish saints – using archaeology, texts and material culture
As a starting point, I thought I would mention that Professor Louise Wilkinson and I are putting together a series of evening talks for the first week in September 2020 […]
Maritime Kent and more Canterbury landmarks
Some of you may remember that about 15 month ago the Centre held a conference on ‘Maritime Kent through the Ages’. Following that successful day Stuart Bligh, Dr Elizabeth Edwards […]
Medieval Canterbury Weekend 2020 and Canterbury’s water supply
I am continuing to make progress on the programme for the Medieval Canterbury Weekend 2020 that will take place from Friday 3 to Sunday 5 April. All being well, work […]
Canterbury news and exploring an iconic building
Having had two weeks off, which gave me a chance to write a paper and almost finish an article, I thought this week I would start with a brief reminder […]
Green Heritage and King John, his Successors and Rebellion
As well as various meetings, Professor Louise Wilkinson was heavily involved this Friday and Saturday with the ‘Rebellion in Medieval Europe’ conference which has drawn an international band of scholars […]
Yews, Jews, Aliens and Canterbury World Heritage Site – a busy week
Today we reached ‘Y’ in the Heritage A – Z so if you would like to find out about the difference between Irish and English yews, then check this out: […]