Hello I’m Ellie, your new communications officer for the Student Green Office.
Student Wellbeing Fayre
On April 21st, the Student’s Union will be holding the Student Wellbeing Fayre. There will be puppies, stalls by charities and us at Sustainability.
Spring Festival Event Review
A fight against the elements. A nightmare gazebo. Today marked the annual Spring Festival, and we were determined to man our tent despite the obstacles thrown our way.
Chocolate Tasting Evening: Review (01/03/2017)
Over the course of your lifetime, on average you will have consumed 10,000 chocolate bars.
A chat with Erik from Divine Chocolate
As you may already know, on 1st March 2017, we are holding our second evening of Fairtrade chocolate tasting with Divine Chocolate – a London based organisation that creates an […]
One Day Without Us – CCCU Joins In
Monday 20th February 2017 will mark a day of celebration for migrants in the UK, and their incredible contributions that they make to our culture and economy.
A chat with Caroline Smith, CCCU Show Choir
The end of this month will see the next of the Tiny Yurt Concerts – put on by CCCU’s unbelievable show choir. The group has risen in popularity massively over […]
Expect Respect
For those of you that follow the CCCU Sustainability Facebook and Twitter pages – you would’ve seen that myself (Amanda Elliott), Megan Cork and Claire Richardson, all part of the […]
A Chat with Calum Sinclair
As you may already know, on 2nd November local singer/songwriter Calum Sinclar will perform for us in the yurt, in the next edition of the Tiny Yurt Concerts.