February is LGBT History Month in the UK. Created in 2004, the month is dedicated to the understanding of the past and celebrating the present and future of LGBTQ+ lives. […]
Walk for Wellbeing
On Tuesday the 13th of December I was lucky enough to attend one of the Occupational Therapy student’s community projects, which are run bi-yearly and are organised by a cohort […]
Welcome to February
Did January fly by for anyone else or was that just me? The beginning of the year disappeared so quickly that we’re already into Valentine’s season, complete with every shop […]
Monthly Good News #5: January 2023
The core message here is PEOPLE DON’T TOTALLY SUCK, HAVE A NICE DAY, and I try to convey that to you by rounding up as much good news from the prior month as possible.
Veganuary: Sustainable and Vegan Clothing
The idea of Veganuary immediately makes people think about their food choices, whether they could cut out meat and other produce etc., but there can be several barriers to this, […]
Veg Box Bakes #1: Cheesy Potato Discs
You may have already heard, but Christ Church has its very own Veg Box scheme running. The initiative allows staff and students to order their very own box of locally […]
How to Process Bad News in Your Sustainability Journey
Within my sustainability journey, there were times that the news was increasingly saturated by bad news. When big companies are being unsustainable and having a bad impact on the planet, […]
Sustainable New Year’s Resolutions
There’s no denying that climate change is more visible than ever, and you don’t have to look much further than last summer as a small example of the extreme weather […]
Wise Words for the Earth: Geopoetry
Geopoetry is the poetry with the Earth at its centre; and for these workshops, the attendees were all given a variety of rocks and fossils to guide them in their writing.