
SGO: New year, new events, new Communications Officer


SGO: New year, new events, new Communications Officer

Hello guys! My name is Irina and I am the new Communications Officer for the Student Green Office. This term we have exciting opportunities coming up and I will do my best to keep you up to date with all the exciting stuff that is going on in our campus but first, let me introduce myself.

Irina Cristache

I am 21 and I am a third year Media and Communications student. I truly enjoy life at Canterbury Christ Church University and ever since I started I tried to get involved in as many extracurricular activities as I could. Not just because by doing new things you learn and you get to know yourself better, but also because it is fun and it is a great way to make new friends.

I am a firm believer that once you get out of your comfort zone you can experience things that otherwise you would not have the chance to discover. For example, I am Romanian and my home city is Bucharest, its capital. I moved to England in 2013 when I started uni. At first it was scary to move to a new country where I didn’t know anyone, to a city which I have only seen in pictures and never in reality, but after my first day here I knew that I made the right choice. This life change helped me meet people who are really important to me now. This experience also opened new doors for me, it helped me discover a whole new perspective on the world and it started a new desire in me: to explore the world. I realized how big and diverse the world is and my new passion is to travel to new destinations while still exploring my local community.

It is our responsibility to take care of our “home”, Planet Earth, by making changes in our lifestyle and in our community, in a way which would not only impact our planet positively but it would also have a positive impact on us. So stay tuned and follow Christ Church’s sustainability journey!

by student blogger, Irina Cristache

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