
Introducing: Amber, SGO Projects Officer


Introducing: Amber, SGO Projects Officer

Hey Hey! I am Amber, and I am one of the newest members of the SGO (Student Green Office).

I am a third-year education and philosophy student, hoping to work in the SEN field, specializing within speech and language therapy. Thus, accessibility and inclusivity is at the heart of my motivations for the SGO goals.

Image description: Amber in front of an empty concert stage.

Sustainability has been present in my past, present and definitely my future! Over the last few years I have spent a lot of time working within schools and other youth projects, where the environment and sustainability is growing to be a big topic of discussions. Throughout working at a nursery over the summer, we spent time with the children growing plants and produce, and encouraging the opening of conversations on caring for the environment. This further sparked my interest to combine my interests of sustainable living and teaching. Then, when I joined the Students for Activism Society as the Vice President last year, it sparked a passion in me for organizing events and collaborating with other students and staff in lots of departments. This empowered me to become a Student Green Officer and now I am writing this post!

Image description: Amber turned to the side in front of a wall of graffiti.

But that wasn’t always the plan! I spent a lot of my time thinking I was going to be a concert photographer, and while that dream didn’t exactly work out, I do spend a lot of time going to concerts. Recently I went to Brighton Pride, which was phenomenal, and I have lots of concerts in the next few months! But I realized that traveling to different countries for months at a time and being away from home wasn’t for me. Luckily, I also had a passion for teaching, so I applied for a teaching volunteering role and it went from there!

My interests in sustainability predominately lie in inclusion and social justice, especially within improving accessibility, thus ensuring that sustainability is accessible for all and everyone feels included both within the sustainability activities and university in general. This will be my focus for the upcoming year!

By Amber Tydeman (she/her), SGO Projects Officer #livingwell

If you’re interested in meeting the rest of the SGO – here are Max and Holly’s introduction posts from last year, and Tim’s from two weeks ago!

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