Have you ever noticed how your mood shifts as the days get shorter and the weather turns cooler? Maybe you find yourself longing for sunny afternoons or craving the warmth […]
Keeping it Together: tips for maintaining mental health at university
While the word ‘sustainability’ may conjure images of trees, recycling, and turning off the lights, there are aspects of equal importance that extend beyond the climate. One of these aspects […]
Adjusting to life in Canterbury: A beginner’s guide to the city’s natural green spaces
For those of us who are suffering from self-diagnosed cabin fever I’m here to offer some advice: step outdoors.
An Introduction to Neurodiversity
An easy way to explain what Neurodiversity means is to break down the word into two smaller words to define. This means that those with a neurodiversity have a difference […]
Movies & Books for Autism Awareness
This month the Sustainability channels have been talking about autism – both about common behaviours and symptoms of people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and famous figures who have it. […]
Walk for Wellbeing
On Tuesday the 13th of December I was lucky enough to attend one of the Occupational Therapy student’s community projects, which are run bi-yearly and are organised by a cohort […]
How to Process Bad News in Your Sustainability Journey
Within my sustainability journey, there were times that the news was increasingly saturated by bad news. When big companies are being unsustainable and having a bad impact on the planet, […]
Christmas and Wellbeing: Coping at Christmas Time
While Christmas can be a time full of so much joy and festivities, for some people it can be difficult. This can be for numerous reasons and if you’re reading […]
Welcome to December
Happy December! Happy holidays! Happy Seasonal Depression Month! However you’re celebrating this dark and depressing weather stage of the year, I hope you’re doing it while drinking lots of water, […]