Did you know that Augustine House is home to a wide range of Curriculum Resources, such as books and equipment, which can be borrowed and used within the classroom? Fantastic for education students to use while on teaching placement, or just to browse and experience a range of teaching resources to gather ideas and inspiration for creative teaching. Why not pop up to the second floor quiet zone and check them out! You can borrow these items using your Smartcard on the self-issue machines, or take them to the Library Point desk to be issued.
Over the last few months the Library & Learning Resources team have been working closely with the School of Teacher Education to revitalise Curriculum Resources. Not only have we had the opportunity to make the collection more relevant, but also invested some funds to incorporate some brand new resources. Keep reading to see what equipment we have purchased…
We were able to order a wide range of resources and items from a whole host of subjects, so we hope there is something for every teacher to use in developing and growing their teaching and the experiences the children receive.
For additional Educational and Curriculum Resources information please view the subject guide here.
To assist with navigation, we have created a separate page per subject: for easy navigation please see the contents list below.

- English
- Primary Mathematics
- Secondary Mathematics
- Science
- Computing
- Physical Education
- Geography
- History
- Religious Education
- Music
Featured image by Geralt on Pixabay.
All Curriculum Resource photography by Jason Shirley – Library and Learning Resources.