Homes through the ages: timeline

Within this pack you will find three long timeline wallcharts depicting different eras within housing;
- 800BC – 1066 ( Celtic, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Viking)
- 1066 – 1825 ( Norman & Medieval, Tudor & Stuart, Georgian)
- 1837 – present (Victorian, Modern)
Each period provides images of homes from that time period, with a block of descriptive text exploring the style of the house, who might have lived there etc.
Classroom ideas
- Historical aspects of homes and houses
- House building ideas in DT
There are so many additional resources out their that can be used to add depth and information to any lessons revolving around homes. The following video offers a great visual representation of home from the past, in the present and speculation of the future.
Find this resource: CR 941 HOM (EQ)

Books – non-fiction
Collins primary history – teacher’s guide
Written by Sue Temple & Alf Wilkinson
This book provides and overview and suggestive ways in which educators can use the wide range of Collins primary history books within their lessons.
Find this book: CR 907.13 TEM
Collins primary history – Changes within living memory
Written by Sue Temple & Alf Wilkinson
Explore the various day to day activities and events that have occurred within a persons living memory.
Find this book: CR 909.82 TEM
Collins primary history – Significant individuals
Written by Sue Temple & Alf Wilkinson
Learn about the people from our past that have had a huge impact on life and have contributed to significant changes of our times.
Find this book: CR 920 TEM
Collins primary history – Invaders
Written by Alf Wilkinson
What societies within in past existed as an invading force? Why invade? What impact did it have?
Find this book: CR 909 WIL
Collins primary history – The Maya
Written by Alf Wilkinson
Find out about the Mayan civilisation, how did they live? What did they do? Where did they go?
Find this book: CR 972.81 WIL
Collins primary history – Ancient Egypt
Written by Alf Wilkinson
Find out how the Egyptians survived within the arid regions. What did they believe? How were structures such as the pyramids created?
Find this book: CR 932 WIL
Collins primary history – Victorian times
Written by Alf Wilkinson
What was it like growing up during the Victorian era? What was it like to work or have fun then?
Find this book: CR 941.081 WIL
Little Leaders – Visionary women around the world
Written by Vashti Harrison
Discover the amazing lives and stories of influential, important women throughout history.
Find this book: CR 920.2 HAR
Little People, Big Dreams – Stephen Hawking
Written by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara
Illustrated by Matt Hunt
From a young age Stephens mind could see and understand vast concepts, many could only dream about. He helped to shape the way modern society now views the universe.
Find this book: CR 530. 092 SAN
Little People, Big Dreams – Marie Curie
Written by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara
Illustrated by Frau Isa
During Marie’s time it was unconceivable for a woman to be a scientist or work within the scientific fields. This did not stop her, and thanks to her discoveries, we are in a better place today.
Find this book: CR 540.92 SAN
Little People, Big Dreams – Alan Turing
Written by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara
Illustrated by Ashling Lindsay
A mathematician, a scientist, with the vast ability to see and understand numbers in a whole new light. Helping to develop the technology we see today.
Find this book: CR 510.92 SAN
Little People, Big Dreams – Frida Khalo
Written by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara
Illustrated by Fan Eng Gee
Inspired by the tragedies that occurred during her own life time, Frida, used the passion, grief and pain to represent art in an inspiring way.
Find this book: CR 759.972 SAN
Little People, Big Dreams – Harriet Tubman
Written by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara
Illustrated by Pili Aguado
Fighting for freedom her entire life, for herself, for strangers, putting her life at risk to achieve freedom at all costs.
Find this book: CR 326.8 SAN
Little People, Big Dreams – Stevie Wonder
Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara
Illustrated by Melissa Lee Johnson
Music, for many its a past time, for some its life. Variety is the key and talent requires patience.
Find this book: CR 782.421 SAN
Little People, Big Dreams – Malala Yousafzai
Written by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara
Illustrated by Manal Mirza
Growing up in a Country which preventing females from receiving an education did not stop Malala. She has gone on to spend her young life fighting for those like her.
Find this book: CR 954.91 SAN
Little People, Big Dreams – Steve Jobs
Written by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara
Illustrated by Aura Lewis
Introduced to what was a basic computer system, Steve made the life long decision to explore and develop the wonders of computing, with the desire to make them accessible to all.
Find this book: CR 621.39 SAN
Little People, Big Dreams – Megan Rapinoe
Written by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara
Illustrated by Pau Morgan
Just because it was considered a man’s sport wasn’t going to stop Megan from achieving her dreams and being part of a team.
Find this book: CR 796.334 SAN
Little People, Big Dreams – Maria Montessori

Written by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara
Illustrated by Raquel Martin
Blending the skill of medical and educational together is challenging and demanding enough. Even more so for Maria growing up in a time when these fields were not right for women.
Find this book: CR 371.392 SAN
Little People, Big Dreams – Jessie Owens
Written by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara
Illustrated by Anna Margaretha Alida Hospers-Jansen
Jesse experienced much hardship in his early years. It wasn’t until a school coach witnessed his talent for athletics that his life changed forever.
Find this book: CR 796.092 SAN
Little People, Big Dreams – Josephine Baker
Written by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara
Illustrated by Agathe Sorlet
Due to the colour of her Skin Josephine encountered much prejudice in the world of stage. It wasn’t till her move to Paris that she became the star she was always meant to be.
Find this book: CR 792.802 SAN
Little People, Big Dreams – Rudolf Nureyev
Written by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara
Illustrated by Eleonora Arosio
Even though Rudolf desired to dance from an early age, there were those that were against this and delayed his involvement in Ballet. But he didn’t allow this to put him off.
Find this book: CR 792.802 SAN
Planting peace – the story of Wangari Maathai
Written by Gwendolyn Hooks
Illustrated by Margaux Carpentier
Imagine growing up and slowly seeing the green trees around you disappear. This is what happened To Wangari and set her on a path to turn this around.
Find this book: CR 333.7 HOO
Timelines from Black History – leaders, legends, legacies
Black history is powerful, important, thought provoking. Explore individuals and periods throughout history, the clashes, the impacts and how today has been moulded by it.
Find this book: CR 909.0496 TIM
Step inside long ago – Ancient Rome
Written by Abigail Wheatley
Explore the streets and buildings of Rome through a fun and colourful impression.
Find this book: CR 937 WHE
Step inside long go – ancient Egypt
Written by Rob Lloyd Jones
Explore the streets, buildings and marvels of Egypt.
Find this book: CR 932 JON