Unfortunately, I’m going to have to miss tomorrow (Friday) and Saturday, including the Canterbury Medieval Pageant, and today I was partly at the Faculty conference and therefore missed quite a few of the papers at Dr Diane Heath’s NHLF-funded Medieval Animals Heritage ‘Skin and Bone, Wood and Stone’ conference.

However, the papers I did manage to get to were excellent and I heard great reports about the others. Nevertheless, rather than report on just a few, I thought what I would do as a way of getting something out would be to post a series of photos to take you through Wednesday evening and at least to provide a flavour of Thursday. Then once I’m back and I have a report in on the conference, Diane is organising that, I’ll add it so that we have a record that reflects this splendid conference in its richness, as well as the collegiate spirit shown by all concerned – final years undergraduates, postgraduates, staff, speakers from across the world, Diane’s project volunteers from outside the university and people from Kent who came to find out more medieval animals.