I thought I would start this week by giving you an update on the ‘legacy’ of the Medieval Canterbury Weekend, because apart from Matthew Crockatt’s excellent gallery of photos and […]
Kent’s Medieval Heritage
I thought I would begin this week with a couple of notices that involve events linked to the Centre, although before that I’ll just mention that Matthew Crockatt has given […]
Pilgrims and Warfare at Canterbury
To a degree I’ll be roving around this week in that I’ll be looking briefly at medieval pilgrimage after mentioning a rather splendid cavalry officer from Cornwall who fought at […]
Canterbury before the Normans
This week has seen the ‘Richborough through the Ages’ conference details and booking information go up on the Centre’s webpages and more preparations for the Medieval Canterbury Weekend, including Diane […]
Becket, Pilgrims and Canterbury
About this time last year I was musing about Archbishop Sudbury and the subject of commemoration, a fitting topic for the last week in December. This year I’m going to […]
Richborough and Lyminge – exploring the past
Having had a meeting today with Drs Martin Watts and John Bulaitis regarding the feasibility of putting on a one-day conference on the development of Richborough, especially its role as […]
The Great War in Kent
I spent today at the Centre’s study day entitled ‘How the Great War changed Kent, 1914–1928’ which took place at Old Sessions House. Even though the number of participants was […]
Road to Runnymede and beyond
I am sure that, like me, many of you have been listening this week to Radio Four with Melvyn Bragg where amongst others Louise Wilkinson, Nicholas Vincent and David Carpenter […]
Canterbury: City and Cathedral
In a week that has seen the final two TV programmes on a year in the life of Canterbury Cathedral, it seems appropriate to mention another event that will similarly […]