For the benefit of those reading the blog for the first time as well as a reminder to regular readers, the next CKHH event will be on Tuesday, so please […]
More on the Cinque Ports – exploring maritime communities
I thought I would let you know that Dr Catriana Cooper’s FCAT/CKHH lecture has been rescheduled for mid-May next year and there will be details in the blog nearer the […]
Medway History Showcase 23 plus upcoming events
Apologies about the absence of the CKHH blog but IT at CCCU ‘lost’ all the university’s blogs again on Friday 13 October and everything ground to a halt while they […]
Exploring history – exciting times in Canterbury
Next week is going to be very busy because not only is it the first week of term but we have the Nightingale Lecture on Tuesday evening, the Aphra Behn […]
Aphra Behn and other exciting events in Kent
Again this week I’m primarily going to focus on upcoming events in September by adding the AHRC Aphra Behn project launch to the Nightingale Lecture and Institutional Care through the […]
August at Dover, Faversham and Rochester, plus more in September
Now that we are in September, even though in somewhat of a heatwave, I thought I would start with a short piece this week. Firstly, the ‘lost’ blogs from June […]
The 5th lost blog: Medieval Animals conference part 2
Just to say that I have now found the fifth lost blog and therefore it gives me great pleasure to bring back in some form the blog written by Dr […]
The fourth lost blog: Medieval Animals conference part 1
Unfortunately, I’m going to have to miss tomorrow (Friday) and Saturday, including the Canterbury Medieval Pageant, and today I was partly at the Faculty conference and therefore missed quite a […]
Celebrating ‘Medieval Animals Heritage’
Unfortunately, I’m going to have to miss tomorrow (Friday) and Saturday, including the Canterbury Medieval Pageant, and today I was partly at the Faculty conference giving a presentation on migration […]