On April the 27th, the earth oven was dry enough to be filled with wood and lit for the first time, an exciting day for everyone involved.
SGO: The Tiny Yurt Concerts
On Wednesday the 11th of May we have the pleasure of inviting you to the first concert of the Tiny Yurt concert series.
SGO: Fairtrade at CCCU
As we discussed in previous articles, choosing Fairtrade products means contributing to the welfare of the workers and to the development of their communities.
Fanatic about Fairtrade: SGO’s Fairtrade Taste-Off
Has it really been 2 months since our Taste-Off? How time flies! To promote Fairtrade Fortnight, the SGO ran a Fairtrade Taste-Off in Touchdown Café, giving you lovely students a chance to taste a variety of Fairtrade chocolate and vote for your favourite! Here is a review from the SGO’s wonderful Francis Olaku, who volunteered at the event. This is what he thought about it.
The Big Bread Oven Build
On the 9th of March, a group of fantastic volunteers joined the Edible Campus team at the Forest Garden to build a bread oven. This was part of the ‘Beer, […]
Mummy, daughter gardening
Spring is here and it is fabulous!
SGO: A day in the woods with Kent Wildlife Trust
On the 23rd of March, Canterbury Christ Church University students and staff were lucky enough to be able to spend a fun day in nature with Kent Wildlife Trust.
SGO: The WHOLE EARTH? exhibition is back
We have good news, the WHOLE EARTH? exhibition is back. This time it is located near Moore building, on the tennis courts.
SGO: What a wonderful day: the Spring Festival
Theoretically speaking spring has been around for the last 10 days but only today we started to actually feel it.