Many thanks for attending SimNet 2023! If you would like to know about SimNet 2024 please click on the link below for information regarding venue, abstracts etc

Welcome to our conference page! The inaugural HEE Kent, Surrey and Sussex SimNet Conference was hosted by the University of Surrey in the splendid Kate Granger building at the University of Surrey which took place on Monday 23rd May 2022 as a face-to-face event.
We had amazing key note speakers including Bryn Baxendale, Fran Ives and Debra Nestel, an Exhibition Hall where you could get hands on with the latest products from the industry leaders and there were opportunities to present work in a friendly and collaborative environment: posters, oral presentations and workshops – there were awards for the best of the day.
Please do contact to be put onto our contacts list for details of future events.
We look forward to seeing you at the next conference!
From The Regional Simulation and Human Factors Impact Team