We are delighted to announce the arrival of the portable cousins of the Simbionix Mentor Suite.
The stationary LAP Mentor; ANGIO Mentor and ENDO Mentor Suites are now supplemented by the LAP Express, ANGIO Flex & GI Express simulators.
All 6 machines are managed on the MentorLearn Cloud.
This enables Course Directors to establish and manage training and trainee portfolios from any wifi location.
Trainees can record their development and download their portfolio.
We believe we are leading for the UK in providing this level of integrated Learning Management System.
The portable kit can be used off grid should there be connectivity issues in your preferred location.
We are eager to explore with Course Directors the opportunities this provision provides for Low Dose High Frequency Training
In which an establishing masterclass delivered at the APSC is followed by repeated daily tasks on the (more) portable model in situ.
(See e.g. Dr Pasquale Berlingieri’s work at the Royal free Hospital, London.)
This development has been a slow train coming, and we are eager to support uptake.
We are delighted that Dr Matt Cowan PhD FRCP is leading an Introduction to Endoscopy Day hosted by the APSC in September.