BrowZine provides you with personalised bookshelves and the ability to save articles to your profile with a click of a button. Here’s how.
Finding online journal articles just got easier: Getting started with BrowZine
Sick of search boxes? Looking for a different way to find those e-journals and articles you need for your studies and research? Then its time to try BrowZine.
Box Of Broadcasts Part 1 – What is it? and how do I use it?
Box of Broadcasts (BoB) is an online, on demand TV and radio service for education. Join us for an in depth look at BoB, how to use it and what it can do for you.
We’ve heard you – Improving access to library resources
Find out about new resources in the library and improvements to help you discover them.
Skills lead to success, so check out Bloomsbury Skills for Study
Bloomsbury Skills For Study offers a range of modules to help you develop all the skills you need to make your time at University a success. It’s had a complete […]
Missed your library induction?
If you missed your library induction don’t worry. We have everything you need to catch up… watch your induction, book a tour or go self-guided, watch videos.
Discover Your Library: Finding your libary books
A step by step guide to finding the resources that are on the library shelves. Use LibrarySearch, understand classmarks and loan types to discover items.
New Psychology eBooks in Salomons Library
Remember that all students can access the new Psychology eBooks requested by Salomons students both on and off-campus.
Explore the new South Asian Heritage Month e-collection just added to Libby.
What is South Asian Heritage Month? South Asian Heritage Month was established in 2020. The event runs every year from the 18th of July to the 17th of August. The […]