As a carryover from last week, I thought I would mention very briefly three meetings I was involved in. Firstly, on Monday I had an online meeting of the Lossenham […]
Immigration and innovation – what history has to offer
Firstly, thanks very much to those who came to the Canterbury Historical Association Lyle Lecture last night (Thursday), which honours Marjorie and Lawrence Lyle, absolute stalwarts of so many organisations […]
Crossing the Channel in times past – goods, people and ideas
As a start this week, I thought I would mention that there is an advert in the February edition of the BBC History magazine for the Tudors and Stuarts History […]
Exploring Kent History
Having been away working for much of the week, I missed the Faculty’s Research Day on Wednesday and Dr Heidi Stoner’s presentation on Thursday about her new joint project with […]
Thomas Walsingham and Scadbury
Final reminder, the Brook Rural Museum Medieval Fayre is this Saturday between 10am and 3pm – as well as the stunning barn and its collection, there will be a wide […]
Canterbury Commemoration – a fire, Thomas More and Thomas Becket
This is really the second half from last week, that is events from Friday and Saturday, thereby leaving the second week of July for Dr Janet Clayton’s presentation to the […]
Voices from the archive – medieval and Tudor manuscripts
I thought I would provide a final reminder about events in the first week of July, before coming to the AMARC conference on Monday and Jason’s presentation to the Kent […]
Kent History Postgraduates at MEMS Fest
For this week, because it marks two big 10th year anniversaries, it seems fairer to give each a separate blog. Therefore, here I’m featuring the contribution by members of the […]
Celebrating with Maidstone Museum and other forthcoming events
This week really will be shorter for a change as I want to bring you a bit more information about forthcoming events involving people from the CKHH and organisations we […]