Dr Nick Karn’s subject ‘Thomas Becket in the Courtroom: the Archbishop’s legal work and the problem of personality’, for the ninth annual Thomas Becket Lecture, looks intriguing and I’m certainly looking forward to it on Wednesday 26 November. This topic is part of Dr Karn’s area of expertise because he is especially interested in the ways law courts were conducted. His investigation of the processes that took place within the courtroom has led him to question ideas about how local power was derived and employed in the 12th and 13th centuries. Such topics are normally difficult to analyse, so it will be a rare treat to hear about his new research methods. Dr Karn (University of Southampton) will be speaking at Old Sessions House, Canterbury Christ Church University starting at 6pm. Moreover, there will be a wine reception first from 5.30pm to which students, staff and the general public are cordially invited to join members of the Centre for Research in Kent History and Archaeology.