This is really the second half from last week, that is events from Friday and Saturday, thereby leaving the second week of July for Dr Janet Clayton’s presentation to the […]
Tenterden Museum and Canterbury Conference
I’m going to split the blog again this week because there is so much going on. Moreover, I’ll use this one to publicise public events linked to Centre people coming […]
Voices from the archive – medieval and Tudor manuscripts
I thought I would provide a final reminder about events in the first week of July, before coming to the AMARC conference on Monday and Jason’s presentation to the Kent […]
CKHH: celebrating 10 years – past, present and future
As I mentioned in the first blog for this week, Kieron Hoyle will be giving the next Kent History Postgraduates group presentation next week, and then going into July she […]
Kent History Postgraduates at MEMS Fest
For this week, because it marks two big 10th year anniversaries, it seems fairer to give each a separate blog. Therefore, here I’m featuring the contribution by members of the […]
From the Stone Age to the Tudors – exploring Kent’s past
Before I come to the opening of the new gallery at Maidstone Museum with its official launch yesterday (Tuesday 5 June), I thought I would take the opportunity to mention […]
Celebrating with Maidstone Museum and other forthcoming events
This week really will be shorter for a change as I want to bring you a bit more information about forthcoming events involving people from the CKHH and organisations we […]
From castles to hospitals – researching Kent’s past
This week is more some short reports on people’s activities around the county rather than notices of what’s coming up next week. However, looking slightly further into June, I thought […]
Becket Lecture plus Cinque Ports
There has been (will be) a feast of lectures this week, all very different but testimony to the wide coverage of the CKHH and one of its aims to bring […]