Professor John Read, back in the UK after a long period away, is struck by some important changes in the way we view mental health problems.
A national scandal: psychological therapies for psychosis are helpful, but unavailable
For years, drugs were it. If you felt paranoid, heard voices or were diagnosed with schizophrenia, the only thing likely to be on offer was ‘antipsychotic’ medication. Like all drugs, […]
Pro-Ana communities: why they draw those starving for sustenance and support
A colleague recently brought to my attention a ‘pro-ana’ thread he had noticed on Twitter. He was horrified by what he read and I can see why. Twitter exchanges and […]
Seduced by biology: The BBC, black dog and biological bias
Sue Holttum suggests that biological explanations for distress may easily be over-emphasised.
Guest post: What will help prevent tragedies like Mid Staffs happening again? Time for a shift in attention.
It seems to have become fashionable to criticise the NHS – or in newspaper-speak to ‘attack’ it. Of course scrutiny of public services is important, but the relentless focus on […]
Guest post. The manufacture of madness? Why social construction in psychiatry is not as simple as it seems
Anyone who has spent time reading or listening to psychologists recently is likely to have encountered the idea that mental health problems are ‘social constructs’. What is meant by this […]
Athletic identity: Hercules’ muscle or Achilles heel?
Last November England cricket batsman Jonathon Trott departed from Ashes tour of Australia due to a long-standing ‘stress-related illness’. This was a shock for some of the media. Do such […]
Is it time to call time on Community Treatment Orders?
Every so often I come across an article on Community Treatment Orders (CTOs). Usually the view expressed is critical and it always produces a stab of disquiet. More on the […]
Time to change for Time to Change?
The Time to Change campaign is the biggest mental health stigma busting campaign in the UK, receiving an estimated £21 million between 2007 and 2011. Given this level of investment I […]